
This is where we stand today: For thousands of years, the Homo-sapiens-caput has taken care of the human-down process, which means as much as: We have continuously moved away from the primordial and primarily vital life as normal human animals. If this is what you want, stay where you are and simply read the book «HOMO CAPUT» for your mere entertainment. (Right now only available in German – English translation in process).

More on the book


For the first time in modern human history you can rebecome this highly vital, completely vibrant normal human animal: Homo normalis – the Homo with enormous power and stupendous intelligence. However, in order to get there, you will have to make exactly the same effort that you have made so far in working against life. This is only consequential, right? Incidentally, on your way there you will break many carefully undisclosed taboos. Get prepped for it!

To the NormalProjekt